The Luxurious
With the 2D layout plan as the foundation, we elevate the design experience by presenting you with a stunning 3D layout plan. The 3D rendering brings your modular kitchen to life, offering a realistic and immersive view of the space. You can explore every angle, color, and texture to envision your dream kitchen exactly as it will be upon completion. Our skilled designers use state-of-the-art technology to create the 3D layout plan, ensuring accuracy and attention to detail. This stage allows you to make informed decisions, experiment with different design elements, and truly understand how the final kitchen will look in your home.
Stunning 3D layout plan providing a realistic view of the modular kitchen.
Immersive experience to explore every angle, color, and texture.
State-of-the-art technology for accuracy and attention to detail.
Informed decision-making and experimentation with design elements.

The 3D layout plan takes your kitchen design to the next level, offering an incredible visual experience. It is the ideal tool to see the finer details and make design choices that perfectly align with your taste. At The Luxurious, we believe in transparent communication, and the 3D layout plan enables you to visualize the kitchen with utmost clarity.


The creation of the 3D layout plan typically takes a few days, depending on the complexity of the design. We strive to present you with an immersive experience in a timely manner.

Yes, the 3D layout plan allows for customization of colors, finishes, and textures. Our designers will work closely with you to achieve the desired aesthetics.

The 3D layout plan provides a highly accurate representation of the final kitchen design. It allows you to visualize the kitchen in great detail, and any changes made during this stage will be reflected in the actual implementation.

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